Buying Used Auto Parts

Six Signs That it's Time to Replace Your Fuel Injection System Parts

Most modern cars use advanced fuel injection systems, whose main component is the fuel injector. While you may rarely experience problems with your fuel injector, it can clog, accumulate dirt and ultimately fail. Once this, happens, you'll require to replace your fuel injection system parts. 

Here are five signs to tell when it's time to replace your fuel injection system parts:

Engine Misfire

When the engine clogs and doesn't get enough fuel spray, it can misfire while driving. The vehicle has a hard time accelerating or may pause when you press the gas pedal. Whichever happens, you must fix the problem before the engine starts overheating. Overheating occurs mostly due to improper air/fuel mixture.

Engine Fuel Odour

When there is no proper fuel combustion in the engine as a result of a damaged fuel injector, you'll smell some gasoline. This issue may also arise from broken fuel lines or sensor commanding the ECU (electronic control unit) to inject more gas than required. Whichever the problem, you must locate the source of the odour and immediately remedy it. This way, you will prevent any significant safety hazards. 

Engine Light Turns On

The most apparent symptom of a problem is when you see the "Check Engine" indicator illuminating on the vehicle's dashboard. While this could imply many things, a failed fuel injector is most likely one of them. When the nozzle delivers less or more fuel than required, it reduces engine efficiency. Hence, this triggers the engine light to turn on, and you can assess the problem using the OBD2 scanner. 

Engine Surge

A bad injector can spray excess fuel into the engine cylinder. In turn, this creates an engine surge that slows down your vehicle's acceleration. Besides, you'll notice a change in the engine's RPM under steady load instead of maintaining a constant RPM.

Engine Stall

Clogged fuel injectors prevent adequate fuel supply to the engine. As a result, the engine's RPM (revolutions per minute) falls below the required optimal levels. This drop leads to a rough or violent engine idle. A further decline in RPM makes your car stall and may require restarting. 

Heat Soak

Finally, heat soak occurs when fuel residue evaporates in the fuel injector's nozzles after shutting down the engine. These residues in the form of waxy olefins settle in the ports since the engine is in idle mode. Eventually, the heat hardens the olefins to sediments that may clog up your fuel injectors, leading to failure. 

These are the six common signs that it's time to replace your fuel injector system parts. When you notice any of these signs, take your car for an immediate check-up. 

To learn more about fuel injection parts and systems, contact an auto parts dealer in your area.
